Weekending: O, Christmas tree
Light my fire

Year in Review: 2016

It's that time again!

As I have done sometime in December for quite a few years: Year In Review. I do it in words (the first sentence of the first post of each month) and in pictures (a favorite posted photo from each month) -- the two are not necessarily related.


January 2016:

In addition to (or, as a set-up for) BEGIN AS YOU MEAN TO GO ON, I spent some time cleaning things up at the end of the year.

January - quilt

February 2016:

I walked to the library on Saturday morning to pick up the latest addition to my Reading list: Mink River.

February - Chicago


March 2016:

Way back before Christmas, it was decided that while Rusty was traipsing around the west coast, we'd have a girls' weekend in Chicago.

March - Oregon Coast


April 2016:

I lunched & shopped & hung out with my sister on Saturday.

April - Trucks


May 2016:

Virginia Frances

May - Jun-Gin


June 2016:

Knitting: Too many things.

June - succulents


July 2016:

Anticipating... our first Farmers Market of the season tomorrow morning!

July - Flowage


August 2016:

Ten on Tuesday:  10 Things On My Summer Bucket List

August - boys


September 2016:

And now, a little shameless promotion.

September - family


October 2016:

I knit this adorable hat using leftovers from Gin's Elwood, and I couldn't be happier (except that I wish I'd knit it one size larger) (listen to the voices in your head!).

October - Cara-Ann-Gnome


November 2016:

It's November, which means it's time for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) -- little sister to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

November - Squad Mitts


December 2016:

This is why.

December - Gin-Alfalfa


I can't quite believe 2016 is almost over!



Another wonderful recap, I always enjoy this walk down your memory lane.


wow - what a year! Love seeing all the places you went - and great job with those group selfies! I love how well December's words go with the photo :-)


What a treat! There are times that I wonder why I blog, but you've given the best reason here - for the memories.


I LOVE your annual recaps! It's been a challenging year ... but your photos bring me joy and hope! XO


These photos are overflowing with JOY!! And, just what I needed on this grey, cold morning! Thank you for sharing!!


I was thinking of your gift quilt just a few days ago. What an amazing accomplishment. It is always wonderful to see the familiar faces of your whole family! May the next year be full of joy, joy, joy!!!


Looks like a full year was enjoyed. I can't believe I missed that Wedding Ring quilt!


There sure is a lot of happy in those pictures! I love that you capture so much of it. Here's to plenty more in 2017 Vicki! xo


All those months, of knitting, of family, the little kids . . . how lucky you are. (The last one does say it all!)
Merry Christmas. 🌲


A really fun way to look at the year...and the baby's so cute! She's growing and looks happy happy. Thanks for sharing and here's to a great 2017.


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