Noro Stripes
What think you?

It's a stripe of a different sort

Noro Sripes

I called kmkat as I got in the car after work last night.  She's in town for a conference and I was headed downtown to the hotel to pick her up.  I told her that I'd be there in 10 minutes and that I'd meet her in the lobby.  I needed to consult with her on something and the result of that consultation would determine our first stop.

You see, I was knitting the Noro striped scarf the other night and I needed to attach a new ball of yarn.  I tied on and knit a few rows and it wasn't feeling right, so I ripped it out and tried again... and again... and things were just not right!  I finally checked the label and discovered that the new ball was Kureyon, not Silk Garden.  I honestly can't say whether I recently bought it for this project mistakenly thinking it was SG, or if I plucked it from my meager Noro stash thinking the same.  Either way, it wasn't working, and I had no other SG waiting in the wings.

Beer Bokeh w/Knitting

My options were few... like, exactly two: stop or keep going.  I decided to just keep on knitting with the one color I had.  It's a very dark colorway -- black with a bit of green and, just last night, a bit of purple emerging.  I wound it up into a ball the other day and don't really remember, so it's a mystery as it unwinds and re-reveals itself to me.  Anyway, I had a few inches done and needed kmkat's opinion on whether it was working on any level.  I kind of liked it.  DH said that he liked it.  I needed the opinion of another knitter.

And she liked it!

Noro Socializing

So we were able to skip the yarn store stop and get right to the important business of socializing.  I made much more progress during the evening and meant to take a better photo of the big picture, but that wasn't working last night.

What a great time we had!  I took her to a coffee shop/cafe a few blocks from the hotel that I don't get to often.  We sat down and got right to the knitting, each enjoying a beer; we knit some more, then had a little something to eat; more knitting was done, followed by dessert, and even more knitting.  We talked about knitting, reading, authors, kids and work (just a teensy tiny bit), and the weather -- at this time of year, the weather is high on the topic list 'round here.

We kept the place open 'til 8:30 or so (it wasn't ONLY us), even though closing time was actually 8:00 (this must be one of the reasons why my regular knitting group doesn't meet there).  Thanks K!!



Sounds like a perfect evening. I'm a wee bit jealous.


I'll have to look at my Silk Garden v. Kureyon scarves and see how much difference there is. I remember the Kureyon as having more texture, but some of that could have been what I knit with it. Anyway, I'll be interseted to see the completed scarf. Noro stripes do do interesting things however you use them.

That does sound like a nice evening. Wish I could fit in something similar while I'm back up in Seattle where all my knitting buddies are for a few days. That's the kind of thing I really like to do around the holidays.

Interestingly, based on your Traffic Feed, it looks like right now I'm about 50 to 60 miles from Carole, as I'm in Sonora, California at the moment, though I'll probably show as Seattle.


Correction: it looks like I'm being picked up as in Modesto, the closest town of any size. Sorry, Carole. I think you're actually on the other side of the country.


Sierra Nevada Pale Ale! My favorite beer! In fact its the only one that I buy these days...I love the short bottles and the sharp hop tang--and it goes GREAT with YARN.


It was such fun! You must come to my side of the state sometime, too. Love your photos.

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